CPE 一顆星選集題目說明與解答 - Java 筆記與心得分享

以下是自己的 CPE 一顆星選集 解題紀錄 (共有 49 題)

每次考試都會從一顆星選集中抽 1 提出來考



使用的程式語言是  JAVA 


目前有提供 10 題的試閱

另有提供完整 49 題的完整解答 ( pdf 檔 ),售價 399 元

若有需要請來信購買 greens2314@gmail.com


建議熟讀 java 基本觀念,與使用 eclipse 練習,

等熟悉之後再到瘋狂程設考試(一定要懂如何查 JAVA API 與使用英漢字典)

Java 考試常用的方法或類別

Eclipse 常用小技巧

CPE 一顆星選集:

編號 | 題目名稱 | 歷屆考古題日期

1. Vito's family (CPE10406, UVA10041)
  可與第 40 題一起看

2. Hashmat the brave warrior (CPE10407, UVA10055)

3. Primary Arithmetic (CPE10404, UVA10035) 2011/05/25

4. The 3n + 1 problem (CPE10400, UVA100) 2010/06/09

5. You can say 11 (CPE10460, UVA10929) 2011/12/20

6. Bangla Numbers (CPE10414, UVA10101) 2018/12/18

7. List of Conquests (CPE21924, UVA10420) 2019/03/26
  可與 8, 11, 43 題一起看


8. What's Cryptanalysis? (CPE10402, UVA10008)
  可與 7, 11, 43 題一起看

9. Decode the Mad man (CPE10425, UVA10222) 2021/10/19

10. Problem J: Summing Digits (CPE10473, UVA11332) 2015/12/22 2012/12/18

11. Common Permutation (CPE10567, UVA10252)
  可與 7, 8, 43 題一起看

12. Rotating Sentences (CPE21914, UVA490) 2015/05/26

13. TeX Quotes (CPE22131, UVA272)


14. A - Doom's Day Algorithm (CPE22801, UVA12019) 2021/03/23

15. Jolly Jumpers (CPE10405, UVA10038) 2017/03/28

16. What is the Probability!! (CPE10408, UVA10056)  2017/05/23

17. The Hotel with Infinite Rooms (CPE10417, UVA10170) 2012/09/25

18. 498’ (CPE10431, UVA10268) 2020/05/26

19. Odd Sum (CPE10453, UVA10783) 2014/05/27

20. Beat the Spread! (CPE10454, UVA10812)

21. Symmetric Matrix (CPE10478, UVA11349) 2019/09/24

22. Square Numbers (CPE10480, UVA11461)

23. B2-Sequence (CPE23621, UVA11063) 2012/05/29

24. Back to High School Physics (CPE10411, UVA10071) 2017/12/19


25. An Easy Problem! (CPE10413, UVA10093) 2020/10/20
  可與 34 題一起看

26. Fibonaccimal Base (CPE10401, UVA948) 2016/05/24

27. Funny Encryption Method (CPE10403, UVA10019) 2013/05/28

28. Parity (CPE10461, UVA10931) 2014/03/25

29. Cheapest Base (CPE10466, UVA11005) 2014/12/23  2012/03/27


30. Hartals (CPE10517, UVA10050)  

31. All You Need Is Love! (CPE10421, UVA10193)
  可與 35 題一起看

32. Divide, But Not Quite Conquer! (CPE10419, UVA10190) 2013/10/01

33. Simply Emirp (CPE10428, UVA10235) 2013/12/17

34. 2 the 9s (CPE10458, UVA10922) 2015/03/24
  可與 25 題一起看

35. GCD (CPE11076, UVA11417) 2019/12/17
  可與 31 題一起看


36. Largest Square (CPE10456, UVA10908) 2015/05/26

37. Satellites (CPE10424, UVA10221) 2019/05/28

38. Can You Solve It? (CPE10447, UVA10642) 2011/09/27

39. Fourth Point!! (CPE10566, UVA10242) 2010/12/23 2016/12/20


40. A mid-summer night’s dream (CPE10409, UVA10057) 2014/09/23   可與 1 題一起看

41. Tell me the frequencies! (CPE10410, UVA10062) 2016/03/22

42. Train Swapping (CPE22811, UVA299) 2017/09/26

43. Hardwood Species (CPE10426, UVA10226)   可與 7, 8, 11 題一起看


44. Minesweeper (CPE10418, UVA10189) 2020/06/09   可與 47 題一起看

45. Die Game (CPE11019, UVA10409) 2018/10/02

46. Eb Alto Saxophone Player (CPE11020, UVA10415)    2010/10/11 2016/10/04 2020/12/22

47. Mutant Flatworld Explorers (CPE23641, UVA118) 2018/03/27 2021/12/21   可與 44 題一起看

48. Cola (CPE11067, UVA11150)


49. Sort! Sort!! and Sort!!! (CPE11069, UVA11321) 2018/05/29




Visual Studio 自動排版格式化程式碼

1. Vito's family (CPE10406, UVA10041) - CPE一顆星解答與說明